Web services

Gisgraphy provides REST web-services with worldwide coverage. Based on open data (Openstreetmap, Openaddresses, Geonames and Quattroshapes). Our code is also open(source)1 and freely available on Github. It may also be used for commercial purposes without restriction : You can cache, store, or display results on a map (of your choice) or not (unlike Google Maps). Got questions about relevance and coverage ? Want to compare the relevance with other geocoders ? Don't know where to start ? Read more

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Provide an address, structured or not, and get it's GPS position. Worldwide coverage, including house numbers of more than +410 million of addresses.

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Reverse geocoding

Provide a GPS position and get the corresponding address. Worldwide coverage, up to house numbers, more than +410 million of addresses.

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Street search / tracking

Find streets for a given GPS point (and an optional name). Speed-limit, number of lanes, toll or not, surface type, azimuth, etc. For GTS tracking software (e.g : Open GTS or Traccar) or other use cases..

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Find places, POIs, cities, streets around a GPS point for a given radius. Results include and can also be sorted by the distance from the given point. 130+ POIs type available (e.g : restaurant, fuel station, ATM, post office, doctor, parking, tourist information office). Very powerful when coupled with the reverse geocoding service to find places around an address.

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Place search / Auto-completion

For a given text and an optional GPS point, find places, POIs, cities, streets, zip codes,...with its information (coordinates, states, population, elevation, alternate names in many languages and alphabet). Many options available : Auto-completion (as you type), location bias, fuzzy, spell checking, all words required or not, place type filtering,...

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Address parser

Divide a single address (as a string) into its individual component parts : house number, street type (directional, street, ..), street name, unit (apt, building, ...), zip-code, state, country, city. Manage PO boxes and address format in 60+ countries. This software is not opensource and can be used online as a web-service or a license can be purchased for an unlimited offline use.

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1 : except the address parser

We make it Easy

Gisgraphy provides a solution for your use case. You can consume our hosted geocoding webservice, host the geocoding webservice on your own servers, or batch geocode.

Hosted web services

Subscribe to our hosted premium web services. No downloading, no installation and configuration. You don't have to worry about the technical details, we handle that, you just use it ! Choose the plan that fits your need and get a scalable and performant geocoding solution, including an SLA. Plans start at 80€.


Send us your CSV /TSV files and we send it back with new columns filled by our web services. we can also process other formats. just ask for a quote. Price is per lines but we have a good price for high number of records.

Offline use

Gisgraphy can be run completly offline, the data are stored on your server. There are many installation options including :

What about the relevance

You got several solutions to test the relevance of our software :

  • Try it online before subscribe
  • Play with the web-services
  • Compare the relevance with other providers. We've got nothing to hide.

If it suits your needs, Subscribe

Use it your way

Gisgraphy is flexible and powerful, and can be used in a lot of different use cases. You can integrate gisgraphy using:

With our API

Use our API to integrate Gisgraphy into your app.

On a Map with Leaflet plug-in

Allows you to add a geocoding input with auto-completion or a reverse geocoding functionality on a leaflet map.

With our client libraries

Gisgraphy can be used in your preferred language. We also have connectors for popular softwares (Symfony, Graphhopper, FME, ...).

In a Mobile app with Gisgraphoid

The web service can be called from any mobile application.

With GTS tracking software

Some popular GPS tracking systems (OpenGTS or Traccar ) also includes a Gisgraphy client

In an Excel or Google Spreadsheets

We provide an Excel plugin to use Gisgraphy geocoding from an Excel Sheet.

Get started in ten seconds

Want to test it, but don't know where to start?

All our web-services can be output in several formats : XML (default), JSON, PHP, Python, YAML, ruby, Atom and Georss. For PHP, Python, Ruby, and JSON, You can simply eval the return string. See some examples

You can also explore the API or learn more by reading the documentation on all the possibilities or read the FAQ

Geocoding :

curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/geocoding/?address=paris
curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/geocoding/geocode?address=%271%20avenue%20des%20champs%20elysees%2075003%20paris%27&country=FR

Reverse geocoding :

curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/reversegeocoding/search?format=json&lat=48.8723789988&lng=2.2996401787
curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/reversegeocoding/search?&lat=48.8723789988&lng=2.2996401787

Street search :

curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/street/streetsearch?format=XML&lat=48.85340881347656&lng=2.34879994392395&from=1&to=10

Street search / Tracking :

curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/street/streetsearch?format=XML&lat=48.85340881347656&lng=2.34879994392395&from=1&to=10

Find nearby :

curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/geoloc/search?lat=48.8&lng=2.5&radius=7000&placetype=restaurant

Address parser

curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/addressparser/parse?address=1%20avenue%20des%20champs%20elysees%2075003%20paris&country=FR

Fulltext/zipcode (with autocompletion / auto suggetions) :

curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/fulltext/fulltextsearch?q=paris
curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/fulltext/fulltextsearch?q=paris&style=long
curl https://services.gisgraphy.com/fulltext/fulltextsearch?q=paris&style=full

Still got questions ? Contact us