Migrate from V 4.0 To V 5.0

Quick access :

reverse geocoding
address parser
find nearby
street search

Difference with V 4.0

Main global changes

We have worked hard for the last three years to create a software that is more relevant (the geocoding engine has been re-built from scratch and has a new and improved design) and with better coverage : we now import from more data sources : including Openaddresses (which takes the database from 34 million addresses in version 4.0 to 416 million in version 5.0). We have also taken into account your feedback and requests and have included new fields for vehicle tracking and routing :

  • lanes : number of lanes in a street
  • toll : if the street requires payment of a toll or not
  • surface : physical surface detail of roads/footpaths
  • streetRef : national/international reference number of the street or codes for roads, highway exits, routes. (e.g : A1 / E43.
  • maxSpeed : legal speed limit for general traffic in the forward direction (not side)
  • maxSpeedBackward : legal speed limit for general traffic in the (see backward direction (not side)
  • speedMode : information about the origins of maxspeed and maxspeedbackward. It can be 'OSM' when comes from Openstreetmap or 'CALCULATED' when it is based on general considerations of the type of street, the surface of the street, and whether it is in a city, etc
  • azimuthStart : value (in degrees) of the azimuth (ordinal direction) of the beginning of the street (useful for GPS to indicate a direction to take (travel 3 km to the north), to calculate the difference between two streets and tell the user to take to the right or left or to see if a street is a curve or not by comparing the difference between the azimuth at the start and at the end, etc)
  • azimuthEnd : same as azimuth start but at the end of the street
  • length : length in meters of the street (segment)
  • oneWay : information indicating whether the street is a one-way street or not (no value does not mean anything, can be both)

We are also working (not finished) to simplify the use of gisgraphy :

  • New website (responsive, new design, more useful information)
  • Docker images
  • Linux installation script
  • Ability to buy data in CSV or SQL dump
  • Excel plug-in
  • Leaflet plugin and JS API
  • Traccar, OpenGTS client
  • More to come (Google drive plug-in, Graphhopper client,...)
  • All our servers are now HTTPS based (including the free services)
  • The free server is now more powerful

Modifications for all web-services

  • We have added an attribution field in the result feeds of each web service

Modifications for the geocoding web-service

  • New geocoding engine (lot of work done)
  • Better house number management and interpolation
  • Better performance
  • State abbreviation management (CA for California)
  • Fuzzy (not available with auto-completion)
  • Location bias : geocode around a GPS point to get nearest results first
  • Country detection (if placed at the end of the address)
  • Better German decompounder
  • Multi-language addresses support (for street name and cities)
  • The geocoding can now be around a GPS point (location bias) or in a bounding box, three parameters have been added : lat, long, radius.

Important modification in the geocoding query :
/!\ address parsing in geocoding has been removed. If you want to parse address, you have to use the address parser web service. So the parsedaddress field has been removed from the geocoding result feed and so does the 'postal' parameter in the geocoding query. Note that you can still geocode a structured address by providing the separate parts of the address. We strongly recommend avoiding the use of postal=true parameter as we have seen that it gives worth results.

Some new fields have been added to the geocoding result feed :

Example of an old feed in v 4.0 ( Note that the first result doesn't contains housenumber

<name>Avenue des Champs-Élysées</name>
<streetName>Avenue des Champs-Élysées</streetName>

Here is, now, the feed of v 5.0 (https://services.gisgraphy.com/geocoding/?address=23%20avenue%20des%20champs%20elys%C3%A9es%20paris) :

<streetName>Avenue des Champs-Élysées</streetName>
<state>France métropolitaine</state>
<adm1Name>France métropolitaine</adm1Name>
23 Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris, Île-de-France, France métropolitaine, (75008), France
<formatedPostal>23 Avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008, Paris</formatedPostal>

Modifications for the reverse geocoding web service

Here are the main changes :

  • Better performance
  • Smart street detection
  • Better zipcode management (add zipcode field)

Some new field have been added to the reverse geocoding result feed:

  • id
  • name
  • zipCode
  • admXName(e.g :adm1Name)
  • lat_admin_centre
  • lng_admin_centre
  • formatedFull
  • formatedPostal
  • surface (e.g : asphalt)
  • speedMode : (e.g : OSM| calculated)
  • maxSpeed
  • maxSpeedBackward
  • azimuthStart
  • azimuthEnd
  • length
  • oneWay
  • sourceId (e.g : openstreetmapid)
  • lanes
  • toll
  • streetRef (e.g : A1 for autoroute A1)

Example of an old feed (

10, Rue Biscornet, Paris, Région Île-de-France, France, FR
<state>Région Île-de-France</state>
<streetName>Rue Biscornet</streetName>

And here is the feed for version 5.0 (https://betav5.gisgraphy.com/reversegeocoding/?lat=48.85&lng=2.37)

<streetName>Rue Biscornet</streetName>
<state>France métropolitaine</state>
<adm1Name>France métropolitaine</adm1Name>
10 Rue Biscornet, Paris, Île-de-France, France métropolitaine, (75012), France
<formatedPostal>10 Rue Biscornet, 75012, Paris</formatedPostal>

Modifications for the fulltext / auto completion webservice

Here are the main changes :

  • Default max results is now 50
  • Fuzzy search available

Some new fields have been added to the result feeds:

  • lat_admin_centre
  • lng_admin_centre
  • adm5code and name
  • street_ref
  • fully_qualified_address removed
  • label
  • label_postal
  • lanes
  • toll
  • surface
  • maxSpeed
  • speedMode
  • maxSpeed_backward
  • azimuth_start
  • azimuth_end

Some fields have been removed to the result feeds:

  • All the admX_code : e.g : adm1_code
  • country_flag_url : it can be calculated with the countrycode : http://services.gisgraphy.com/images/flags/COUNTRYCODE.png
  • google_map_url
  • openstreetmap_map_url
  • yahoo_map_url

Modifications for the address parser web service

The main changes is the relevance and bug fix. No new feature has been added

Modifications for the geolocalisation web service

No big changes

Modifications for the street search web service

See reverse geocoding one

Got questions ?

Don't hesitate to contact us